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Help your skin breathe: facial peeling

Updated: Sep 19, 2021

There are concepts that become fashionable according to trends, and what will never go out of fashion is the fact of taking care of ourselves on the outside to look better. Facial peeling is one of these trendy treatments and now you can do it yourself at home. Read on and find out how and why.

Day to day we are constantly exposed to aggressions to our skin that we can't even imagine. External skin care should be part of our daily routine, both day and night. Once a week, we should cyclically renew the dead cells that accumulate in the superficial layers.

What is a peeling?

Our skin renews itself naturally, but over time this process slows down and we need support to help our skin.

The peel provides us with a renewal of our skin, eliminating impurities, unifying the tone, reducing spots caused by radiation and giving us luminosity.

"They have a reputation for being aggressive and weakening the skin. Nothing could be further from the truth. Peeling is the most effective technique for giving the skin youth and freshness" Carmen Lanchares, Vogue magazine.

Types of peelings

This renewal process can be done with a mechanical process with sponges or brushes or with a chemical process, usually composed of alpha and beta hydroxyl acids that dissolve dead cells.

Definixion® Barcelona's VEGAN FACIAL PEELING is an innovative soft peeling gel with a pleasant texture for a gentle and natural exfoliation that will leave the skin free of dead cells and impurities without drying it out and without the aggressiveness of traditional exfoliants. Its application is very simple and you can easily do it at home.


  • Effectively reduces skin imperfections.

  • Prevents the formation of blackheads, frees the pores and prepares the skin for subsequent cosmetic treatments, gently cleansing the skin in depth.

  • Restores oxygen to the skin by weekly cleansing with DEFINIXION oxygenating peeling gel.

Benefits of peeling

When one or more of the following situations are present, it would be very beneficial to use the we will discuss below, it would be very beneficial to use a peeling, regardless of whether or not you have skin problems or not.

  • If you suffer from skin imperfections, acne or oily skin.

  • If you are looking to improve wrinkles and get more luminosity for a rejuvenated skin.

  • If you do not have an even skin tone due to blemishes.

  • If you don't have any of the above but want to ensure the correct penetration of any cosmetic product you are using, it is an ideal complement to your weekly routine.

For more information you can visit our Youtube channel or make an appointment to enjoy a free Facial Assessment at our premises where you can discover and test Definixion products and devices on your skin.

If you want to try our Peeling with the best offer, take advantage of the promotion for the month of May, now on sale on our website!

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